sábado, 30 de julio de 2016

Commercial information

Commercial information

Through Resolution 275 of September 2012 Development Corporation North and East Amazonico CDA approved the management plan presented by Akayu, and decided to grant permanent permission for the use of the two species of flower Inírida.

Due to this Akayu can market a certain number of units of the two species of flower Inírida.

guacamaya superba (flower winter inirida)

Schoenocephalium teretifolium (Summer Flower Inírida)

orders and more information:

jueves, 28 de julio de 2016

biological information

biological information

inirida flower winter              

  Summer flower inirida

Commonly it is known as "Flower de Inirida" two species of herbaceous plants that have colorful flower heads red with white. These plants have great charisma and beauty, are represented in the flag Inírida in the shield of Guainía and have had monuments in the village of Inírida. The inflorescences of these species have been commonly used as ornamentals in the village, so much is his charisma that could say they are the icon par excellence of the entire region.
The two different species of "flower Inírida" that exist differ in the shape and size of the inflorescence and the time of year when the produce. For example, the flower Winter Inírida
has the inflorescence, pyramidal, big plus flowers mainly during the rainy season in the region.
On the other hand Inírida Summer Flower It has a spherical flower head, a little smaller and flourishes mainly during the dry season.